September 28, 2009

Want To Help Me Help Kids By Sponsoring Me In A Golf Marathon?

Ryan Ballangee over at the incredible Waggle Room blog posted this first, but since it is a mere 20 miles away from my house - the other side of the city, actually - I thought I would post it anyway:

The TPC Wakefield Plantation course is going to be the site of a golf marathon on October 12th for the benefit of the Jack & Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation. Thirty-six golfers will play as much golf as they can in a single day (and I can and do play as many as 54 holes on a single vacation day). The charity is looking for pledges to play $1 or $2 a hole, with a goal of $2500 per person in the event. Eighteen golfers will participate.

Here what the Jack and Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation does:

When Mom or Dad is diagnosed with late-stage cancer, children find their immediate world turned upside down and face the reality that the rest of their lives will never be quite the same. The Jack & Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation helps kids and their parents spend quality time together in the face of these hardships and uncertainties.

While there are many resources and support services available addressing cancer patients' medical, spiritual, financial, and psychological needs, through stringent analysis of the oncology community nationally, we confirmed there is no other resource to focus on the family structure as a whole, particularly in offering memory opportunities at a point where the family can experience and share the opportunity together.

Having lost a parent to cancer myself, I can only imagine what it's like for a child to go through the agony of watching their Mom or Dad go through that. I was old enough to understand, and even though it has been sixteen years (as of yesterday) some of the pain still lingers in the form of wishes that we had been able to do this, or to see that together. The Jack and Jill charity does something about it while there is still time.

Naturally, I will sponsor myself, and will ask my parents and in-laws, some friends and the like...but I also wonder if any of you would like to help out a great charity and send me round and round one of Raleigh's best tracks for a day of helping out those in need. If you are interested, leave a comment and I will get in touch with you on how you can help.


  1. Count me in Charles. I lost my Mom to cancer several years ago and I know I'll never not feel that loss. The more support one has in dealing with it the better. Let me know how to proceed.

  2. Me too, CB - I can't match Patricia's $1000 a hole, but I'll do what I can. :-)

  3. Thanks guys, I will be in touch in a couple of days as I put this thing together. I REALLY appreciate it!


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