September 30, 2009

My Link For The Jack And Jill Golf Marathon

I'm just getting started fundraising for the Jack and Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation's golf marathon, and have a lot of work to do to get to my goal of $2500 for the event. Then, I have to play a lot of golf on a tough course!

If you're interested in helping me help kids have lasting memories of a parent who is late stages of cancer, please click the link below and make your pledge. This is NOT for me, it is for the kids.

Old Man Par @ Jack and Jill

I am driven by memories of my late mother, who died nearly sixteen years ago to the day from Bronchioalveolar Lung Cancer. My loss was tragic to me as a young adult, and I can only imagine (with a shudder) what going through that pain must mean for a child. The Jack and Jill Foundation does outstanding work to help families make important and lasting positive memories at a time when those things are critically important...these are the ones that last forever.

So thanks, and please make a pledge today!

1 comment:

  1. holy cow ! I just checked the page and you have some REALLY generous backers ! You must run in some tall cotton up there, CB. Great job.


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